Cyd Rowley Jewelry Studio

In the Studio

My studio is where the magic happens for me! I love opening the space for visiting instructors, students, metalsmithing friends and other curious people.

Come visit, come learn, come share your passion!

A gift to myself; a Cavalin power rolling mil

A gift to myself; a Cavalin power rolling mil

Plyers - jeweler’s best friends

Plyers - jeweler’s best friends

I can’t resist vintage tools

I can’t resist vintage tools

An ingot of 18K yellow gold that I poured

An ingot of 18K yellow gold that I poured

Some of my hammers

Some of my hammers

Callipers - an essential tool of the trade

Callipers - an essential tool of the trade

Textured pieces formed in the hydraulic press

Textured pieces formed in the hydraulic press

Where the magic happens

Where the magic happens

Selling my wares

Selling my wares